2013 gold trophy

The “Best Content” series brings you a handful of the most thought-provoking and informative articles, reports and webinars related to B2B technology branding and marketing published over the last quarter, broken down into bite-size pieces for your convenience.

Innovation Trumps Cost-Cutting: What CEOs Expect From Enterprise Technology in 2013
In a word: sustainability. According to this article from Network World, CEOs are thinking about sustainability – the capacity to ensure business success in the present while preserving the ability to do so in the future – in both the business context and at a practical level. They are looking for innovation over cost-cutting, hungry for IT solutions that strengthen the modern corporate enterprise.

Is the B2B IT buyer shifting from the CIO to CFO?
According to new survey results from Forrester Research, the CFO’s influence over IT spending will grow in 2013. In this article, CIO.com examines this trend in the rising power of non-IT business leaders in IT services decision making, including the development of two separate, but overlapping markets for IT services: enterprise IT and business IT who “buy differently, but buy similar if not identical things.” Read the article.

Video: The Must Have Marketing Tool for B2B Tech
IDG released a report this quarter with some interesting insights into what media and devices motivate B2B tech buyers. The report, which consisted of more than 2,200 business and IT decision-makers, found that nearly 95 percent of respondents use video to research a technology product or service. And viewing tech-related videos positively correlates with their purchase behaviors. Of the B2B tech buyers that watched product or service related videos, 46 percent said they purchased a product after viewing a related video. The report also found that after watching such a video, nearly two-thirds of respondents actively researched the product or service further and nearly half visited a vendor’s site or contacted the firm directly for more information. This has very important implications for B2B tech marketers. If video is not already part of your marketing plan, it should be on the to-do list.

Trends that Drive Corporate IT Spending
IT spend is shifting. This article from Financial Times examines the major drivers of change, including the proliferation of new devices and use of multiple screens, BYOD and the rise and popularity of cloud-based solutions. Though IT budgets are under scrutiny, demands on technology continue to increase.

Pardon the Disruption: Financial Advisors View Technology as Vital to Their Success
The annual report from InvestmentNews finds that, not surprisingly, technology has become a living, breathing part of the financial advisory practice – essential to their ability achieve growth and competitive advantage. InvestmentNews also released are some interesting videos that came out of the 2013 T3 Conference in Miami:

A renaissance for advisory technology?

Advisory technology: pardon the disruption


The mobile advisor

The Rise of the B2B Social IT Buyer

Are CIOs using social media? This is a question we hear frequently – with any C-Suite audience actually. Most recently it came up while we were working with an IT consulting firm to develop an integrated marketing campaign aimed at building awareness and engagement with CIOs and influencers. A critical component of the campaign, as…

Avoiding the Revolt: 3 Things Marketers Must Do Before Launching a New Brand

This year, the University of California debuted a new logo, meant to “project a forward looking spirit” and act as an adaptable image for the university in an increasingly digital world. Unexpectedly, the rebranding resulted in widespread backlash from the student community, including an online revolt with mocking memes, Twitter insults, and widespread dissatisfaction with…