globe with pins

We often hear that “the world is flat.” That capital “moves seamlessly” across borders. That we are increasingly “one global market.”  Yet when we begin a branding initiative with a global client, one of the first things we hear is that the company stands for different things in different countries – and therefore no single brand can possibly resonate in globally. It’s an understandable assumption. After all, in some regions, price might be a major concern. In others, the deciding factor might be local resources. One brand can’t possibly address both these situations, can it?

In a recent Forbes article, Howard Breindel looks at the ways a global brand can help or hurt B2B company success.

Read it on Forbes

13 Strategies to Help Your Global Brand Maintain Its Local Roots

Local businesses struggle to compete with the big conglomerates and internet businesses luring their customer base away with convenient shopping at low prices. But the local scene has made a resurgence, thanks in part to millennials who want to “shop small” and support entrepreneurs in their own backyards. In fact, nearly half of consumers in…

Blurred Lines: As Technology and Consulting Merge, Is Your Brand Still Relevant?

The traditional lines between technology and management consulting are blurring. And consulting firms of all sizes are trying to keep up, broadening the scope of their offering (often through acquisitions) to meet the increasing demand for technology solutions and services.

We first looked at this situation in 2015, when we read the TBR 2015 Professional…

Closing the Knowledge Gap: The Unifying Power of a Corporate Brand

One logo does not always translate to one cohesive brand. One of our clients, a global management consulting firm, learned this first hand. After a series of acquisitions and internal restructuring, management was focused on creating a “one firm” mentality, hoping to create synergies across a diverse array of practice areas that would lead to…