refreshing brand paint

We often get asked: When should a brand be refreshed? While there are some major inflection points we can point to — a merger, a reputational crisis — in many cases the answer is not simple. However, in reviewing branding projects that DeSantis Breindel has worked on over the years, we noticed five warning signs our clients have encountered when coming to us for help. Howard Breindel detailed these five scenarios in a recent Forbes article.

Read the 5 early warning signs on Forbes.

Closing the Knowledge Gap: The Unifying Power of a Corporate Brand

One logo does not always translate to one cohesive brand. One of our clients, a global management consulting firm, learned this first hand. After a series of acquisitions and internal restructuring, management was focused on creating a “one firm” mentality, hoping to create synergies across a diverse array of practice areas that would lead to…

Stronger Together: How Brand Drives M&A Success

According to Harvard Business Review, the failure rate of mergers and acquisitions ranges from 70–90%. Many factors can contribute to the success or failure of companies being combined. But too often, brand is not championed or leveraged during these critical moments—even though it can provide clarity and inspire invaluable unity across essential audiences…

From Measurement to Improvement: An Agile Approach to Employee Engagement

Few would dispute that the world in which we live and work is changing at an extraordinary pace. In this dynamic landscape, business executives face immense pressure to not only survive – but thrive. In other words, they have to keep up with the pace while bumping up profits.

Continuous innovation is a strategy we hear…