NVCA Study Explores the Importance of Brand Management in the Venture Capital Industry

Results of Brand Influence Guide Offer Insights into Effectiveness of Perceptions and Behaviors of Venture Firms

The National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), in partnership with DeSantis Breindel and Rooney & Associates, announced today the results of the Brand Influence Guide for the Venture Capital Industry (BIG: VC), the first-ever research study on the role of branding in venture capital.  Launched in January of this year, the BIG: VC project surveyed venture capitalists, startup CEOs and limited partners from the NVCA and the Dow Jones Venture Source data base, collecting more than 370 responses around questions pertaining to VC brand perceptions and behaviors.

Key findings include:

  • 88% of CEOs believe a strong brand can help a VC firm increase deal flow by attracting entrepreneurs.
  • CEOs are looking for a supportive venture capital firm that can add value beyond funding – but they are wary of firms that are too “hands-on.” Entrepreneurial friendly means different things to different stakeholders.
  • When selecting a VC firm, 57% of CEOs care most about the reputation of a firm’s individual partners, 38% focus on the firm’s overall reputation; and only 5% care about the reputation of the firm’s portfolio companies.
  • Word of mouth among stakeholders within the VC industry far outweighs other channels for effectively delivering brand messages.
  • There is a noted disparity about brand perception between investors and CEOs in life sciences versus information technology.
  • The research, which incorporated a mix of quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews with VC firms, entrepreneurs and limited partners, uncovered the messages and channels that can empower venture investors to better connect with their most important audiences.  It also revealed significant gaps between which messages VC firms believe resonates versus what perceptions venture-backed CEOs embrace.

“We set out to prove the hypothesis that branding really matters for VC firms,” said Emily Mendell, vice president of communications for the NVCA. “We found that to be absolutely true when it comes to deal flow, but the more compelling data lies in what brand behaviors truly matter to company founders when looking for a venture partner – and where they are most likely to get input and form their perceptions. This research reveals where firms should be spending their time and energy when it comes to presenting themselves to the market.”

“The overall goal of this research is to help VC marketers make more informed decisions about their own branding and marketing efforts,” said Howard Breindel, Co-CEO of DeSantis Breindel. “A brand is not what you say about yourself, but what your most important audiences say and think and feel about you. We believe that VC firms will be able to use this research as a stepping stone for strengthening their brands as they look to proactively influence the perceptions they hold in the minds of their key stakeholders.”

To see full results from the study go to www.BIG-VC.com.

About National Venture Capital Association
Venture capitalists are committed to funding America’s most innovative entrepreneurs, working closely with them to transform breakthrough ideas into emerging growth companies that drive U.S. job creation and economic growth. As the voice of the U.S. venture capital community, the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) empowers its members and the entrepreneurs they fund by advocating for policies that encourage innovation and reward long-term investment. As the venture community’s preeminent trade association, NVCA serves as the definitive resource for venture capital data and unites its nearly 400 members through a full range of professional services. For more information about the NVCA, please visit www.nvca.org.

About DeSantis Breindel and Rooney & Associates
Desantis Breindel is a B2B branding and marketing firm. At critical inflection points, the firm works with companies to align brand and marketing strategy with business strategy—creating stories and experiences to engage customers, influence prospects, rally employees, inspire investors and build communities. To learn more go to www.desantisbreindel.com. Rooney & Associates is a highly focused communications consultancy based in New York. The firm offers each client a strategic and customized communications program developed and executed by some of the public relations industry’s most experienced talent. Rooney & Associates transforms clients’ business challenges into strategic opportunities through high-impact media relations, sound public relations advice, corporate and crisis communications, and public relations branding campaigns. To learn more go to www.rooneyco.com.

Media Contacts:

Marion Janic
(212) 223-0017

Laura Stephens
(212) 223-0651

Emily Mendell
(610) 565-3904