Cutting Through the Sea of Sameness: Creating a Stand-Out Law Firm Brand
The same old messages aren’t attracting attention or creating differentiation in the crowded legal landscape. The answer: Lean on brand.
But as law firms have grown and diversified their practices, and as founding partners have moved on, even the best-known law firms are at risk of getting lost in a sea of sameness. While individual “rain makers” can still attract new business, no law firm wants its future to rest on the reputation or tenure of one or two individuals.
With so many law firms operating under almost identical business models and client experiences, a law firm brand must represent the collective expertise and reputation of the entire firm. It needs to stand for something “bigger” and more enduring than any one person, practice or office location.
As a law firm branding agency, we partner to build brands that drive value creation by harnessing what makes a firm truly different.
Through rigorous deliberation, we craft a brand that highlights each firm’s most enduring points of value across clients, prospects and talent—shaping a new brand identity that sets the firm apart to partners’ exacting standards.
The same old messages aren’t attracting attention or creating differentiation in the crowded legal landscape. The answer: Lean on brand.
What makes a great website? It depends who you’re trying to reach.
Whether a firm changes its billing strategy or not, the changing market forces suggest that it might be time for all law firms to re-examine their value proposition.