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LinkedIn’s newly redesigned company pages allow for a much more visually engaging, interactive, and personalized interface—a welcomed upgrade we were eager to take advantage of! Using our own company page as an example, we’ve highlighted some of the things we are particularly excited about.

The home page features a large photo banner, making it easy for companies to brand their company page in a visual way. We chose to feature a photo of our office space, but some companies feature photos of employees, logo design or other brand-related images. The “Recent Updates” feed allows employees to feature content of their choosing, even highlighting certain stories or articles over others so that they are more visible to visitors of the page. Each shared story includes an image, and tracks the impressions, clicks, and engagement of each post, so administrators of the page know what content has been more successful in engaging page visitors. At the bottom of each company page an ‘About’ section allows companies to provide a brief overview of the company, including company headquarters, website, company size, industry, and specialties.

We love how easy it is to repurpose images and content from our website and incorporate it into our LinkedIn page. For example, in the ‘Services’ page we were able to visually customize each service area by including a photo, brief description of the offering, and provide bullet points of each specialty that falls under the selected service. We were also able to link relevant content to each service through the ‘Get more info” module on the right side of the page. By linking to one of our whitepapers from our website through the module, we are able to point prospects to relevant content and keep the conversation going. The services page also includes a photo banner feature, where we selected 3 images created and designed by our very own creative team. The module on the right side of the page also allowed us to feature our company film reel, which is also on the homepage of our website.

Overall, the new LinkedIn Company Page design provides a visually compelling platform for starting conversations with prospective clients and recruits. As in any synchronized marketing strategy, the real opportunity for B2B marketers in today’s connected marketing environment, is to keep the dialogue going and growing by leading the prospect through the conversation at multiple touchpoints, ultimately landing at the sales sweet spot: consideration for his or her short-list.

To learn more about LinkedIn’s new company pages, click here.